Saturday, December 21, 2002

Well, my head's staying above water, I can see the shore in the distance and there's a beautiful exotic woman sunbathing on the beach. She seems somehow familiar. Maybe someone I know. Someone I love. Someone I'd swim across the ocean to be near.

I didn't know love like this was possible, I didn't know it could be this real.
A love that couldn't even exists in my dreams, became my reality.

Thursday, December 19, 2002


Frustration is my new motto. I go back to court on Monday for my DUI pre-trial conference. I'm only working 3 days this week and 1 next week. Work is slow, money STOPPED flowing in, and I'm not getting hours.

I can't wait to see how fun it's going to be trying to pay the bills next month.

*huge sigh* wish me luck people.... I'm really going to need it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2002

It begins today. My transformation. My new year's resolution will not wait for the new year. I'm going to join the gym today, I am going to start working out. I'm going to look into school because I am sick and tired of running in place. I am going to get some more furniture (don't ask) because I need it, I might not be able to afford all these things right now but fuck it, It'll work out. I'm not going to play it safe, I'm going to take the risks that make or break you as a person.

Who's with me?